Why Wiki? Part 3 - Knowledge Incubation

Perhaps because we were raised on encyclopedias and textbooks, we tend to think of knowledge in two primary forms:
- Steam - The thoughts, ideas and concepts that rattle around in our heads.
- Ice - Books and polished documents that we reference from time to time.
How Knowledge Grows
You don't require too much imagination to visualize how knowledge transitions from simple ideas through further crystallization, eventually forming reusable artifacts and polished publications. All knowledge workers have participated in this process. Many of the steps occur informally or are managed in isolated environments on personal computers.
Content Management Systems (CMS) or Document Management Systems have helped us organize the mature stages of the knowledge lifecycle. However, much of the critical knowledge growth remains hidden in people's heads, e-mail threads, and in personal files. Lack of access to emerging knowledge critically stunts corporate innovation.
A Powerful Knowledge Incubator

A Wiki facilitates "any time" knowledge improvement by allowing everyone to quickly find and easily edit information in a highly associative environment. When you effectively deploy a Wiki, it generates a dramatic acceleration of the knowledge lifecycle process. The practical outcome is improved knowledge sharing and increased innovation.
Incubating Together
The additional effect of optimized collaboration should not be underestimated. Making early-stage knowledge visible while allowing everyone to easily improve it creates incredible synergy as the size of the community increases. A Wiki, combined with an emphasis on the people in the community, constitutes a powerful platform for moving knowledge quickly from ideas into highly valued, reusable artifacts.
If you haven't already done so, consider adding a Wiki to your knowledge management environment. By paying attention to effective adoption patterns, you'll be surprised how quickly this investment can produce value and improve teamwork in your organization.