Superstar Productivity in the Cloud

I've been a Getting Things Done © disciple for a few years. Over that time I learned a couple of secrets to leverage David Allen's principles in my day to day work environment: Work context is everything - physical context is becoming less important Keep it simple - use the parts that make sense for you Work Context I spend 80% of my day online. Either on my computer, or my Android phone. A large portion of that time is spent communicating with people ... and Gmail does most of the heavy lifting. Since this is where I work from, this is where my GTD experiments were honed. If you have a similar work profile, perhaps you'll find something useful in my experience. Getting Organized 1. Collection The Gmail Inbox is a natural collector. Don't fight it ... feed it! Stuff all ideas, tasks and loose ends into your inbox. How? Simply email yourself. I've added a little twist to boost this process. First, I added a contact with the email add...