A Beautiful digital Mind
I've long been fascinated by the effective use of Wikis to incubate and nurture research and information organically. Exposed to the power of Google search and the breadth of information on the Internet, everyone struggles with how to best interface their brain with the informational waterfall. Common approaches include: Bookmark mayhem - bookmark everything and then try to organize your bookmarks Tagging - a more flexible, generic style of bookmarking Gross capture - using cut and paste methods to copy verbatim information for future reference, hoping you can find it later. Wikis - value add contextualization to referential information in a searchable knowledge incubator. I was recently reminded of how crucially interdependent I have become on my personal Wiki in light of the number of projects that I'm juggling. I had switched to Microsoft OneNote for a couple of months, attracted to the ease of drag-and-drop capture from the Internet. Additionaly, OneNote automatically...